AN especially warm welcome awaits our next speaker, founder of Chernobyl Children's Appeal Rosie Sandall. She and her husband John set up this charity almost 30 years ago after the 1986 nuclear disaster that devastated a vast area of northern Ukraine, leaving it uninhabitable for thousands of years due to the radiation fallout.
Since then the couple's commitment has been unwavering, supporting families whose children were born and continue to be born disabled, as a result. The war unleashed by Russia has seriously impacted their activity, destroying much of the charity's networking infrastructure and halting their regular visits to transport goods and money.
Most recently they have sponsored a family with severely disabled son Max (pictured with Rosie), to escape the bombs and live peacefully in Peterborough, while continuing their fundraising efforts and exploring ways of re-connecting with their friends and supporters in Ukraine.
Rosie's story is compelling and inspiring and we would love to get a good turnout for the luncheon.... please do join us and bring your friends.
The Ladies Luncheon Club meets once every two months at Peterborough Milton Golf Club. To book your place (£25 per person for a delicious two-course lunch) please contact Association secretary Judith via email to this office or by telephone if you prefer (07906 589985) | A menu will be supplied by return.
Donations and offers of help can be directed to Chernobyl Children's Appeai, 51 Apsley Way, Longthorpe, Peterborough PE3 9NZ or by telephone 01733 268340.