One of three Conservative district councillors representing the Ramsey and Bury ward, Jeff was re-elected in May 2022. He is a member of the council's corporate governance committee, which also acts as the 'audit' committee, and sits on the licensing and protection committee. His co-councillors are Steve Corney and Roger Brereton.
Jeff is a well-known local figure, a long-serving member of Ramsey Town Council which has given him an in-depth understanding of many of the challenges and opportunities facing this community. Born and bred in Ramsey St Mary's he considers himself a true Fenman, having farmed for many years in the area where he retains strong ties.
Among his local activities, Jeff is chairman of Ramsey Welfare Charities, an organisation close to his heart which includes administering the sheltered housing scheme known as Jones Court, covering the parishes of Ramsey, Bury, Upwood and The Raveleys.
To contact Jeff on any ward or council-related matter, please use the details below: | 07802 398259